This well developed early selection which has a good mix of productive lakebank and mallee soils. Situated 30kms north-west of Newdegate. There are 18 paddocks, having 13 dams including a key dam of 12500 metres from which water is reticulated to 17 troughs if needed. Buildings include 4 stand shearing and yards, 200 tonne super shed, machinery shed, steel cattle yards, 8 silos of various sizes and SEC power. There is a 4 bedroom air conditioned home with cool room and satellite dishes for TV and internet. The croppable area of approximately 1540ha has been mainly cropped on a year in year out rotation to wheat, barley, oats, lupins and peas and running 2000-2500 sheep. “Clare” is comprised of 7 locations which would enable it to be sold in parcels if required.