Premium Land – 2 Streets Back From Port Coogee Waterpark

Fantastic, level, building block. Just 1 minute from the calm and soothing Indian Ocean and the family favourite, PORT COOGEE WATERPARK is this rectangular 13.4m wide, 29.4m long and 407m2 Total piece of delicious Port Coogee Land.
There are beneficial provisions attached to this block allowing you to build anywhere from the 3 metre line backwards, with nil setbacks to available parts of the lot and an incredibly generous 10 metre height limit (Now that’s pretty high).

The Imagination is your Oyster at 12 Wanstead with opportunities to build:
1.5 Storey; 2 Storey; 2.5 Storey, 2 Storey + 3rd Level Rooftop Garden or 2.5 Storey w. Rooftop Garden component.

Call me on 0401 797 975 to catch up at the Block and take a look at the Building Envelopes, Design Ideas, view Comparable Sales data and chat about the house you want to build.
With 2 Storey Construction options from $199,000, this could be your opportunity to own a 2 STOREY LUXURY BEACH CABANA HOME.
You Could clearly own a $1,000,000+ home a brief meander from the water’s edge but yet have a huge chunk of change from a million, allowing you an opportunity to buy a boat that you pop thru your drive thru garage after you have moved the BMW, which you also bought from the spare change.
Do not miss out on this brilliant opportunity.