This has got to be one of the cheapest properties on the market in Perth right now. It is a brick and tile, one bedroom, one bathroom house with a small kitchen and dining room. It also features an empty and small below ground pool at the front of the property.
Even though the house has a termite problem in its internal walls, and the pool is not on council records, it can still serve two purposes:
Option 1: Detonate
Comparable blocks of land in the area are selling for more, so if you are handy at demolition you can purchase the block to build a new home after demolition, or simply on-sell the vacant block.
Option 2: Renovate
Complete a renovation then either sell the property or lease it out to receive a healthy return on investment.
I haven’t seen an investment property this cheap before so if you are interested, send me an email as soon as you can because this will sell in a heartbeat.
Email Tim Verbunt on for the certificate of title and house plans etc.