* Quality Homestead
* High Carrying Capacity
* Plenty of Water”Acton Park”situated on Yoongarillup Rd is in a very good location only 15 kms from Busselton. The property itself is very slightly undulating being productive sand over clay soil types supporting jarrah, marri and paper bark timber, however it is almost fully cleared. The pastures consists of rye grass and clovers which have had a previous sound fertilizer history. In the past twelve months 400 tonnes of lime have been used to top dress the soil. There are numerous paddocks, fencing being pine and steel posts supporting plain wire of which all is electrified. The very sound water supply comes from two soaks, two equipped bores which supplies water to the troughs. The residence is of a high quality of brick veneer construction with swimming pool, large outdoor entertainment area and reticulated gardens. The house itself has quality throughout and is a large family home. The sheds consist of 14m x 6m machinery shed, 16m x 9m machinery shed along with a dairy. There is also an excellent set of cattle yards. Productive properties in this area are hard to find.