Located 7.5kms from Busselton by sealed road. School bus to Primary and Secondary schooling. Sand over gravel clay soils original timber being Jarrah & Marri. Property is divided up into 4 Paddocks with possible carry capacity up to 250 dry stock. Homestead is a four bedroom, one bathroom brick home. Other buildings include a machinery shed approximately 20m x 14m hayshed approx 20m x 14m two silos with old yards and dairy.
Fertiliser application has been 15 tonne being 250kg per hectare. Shire rates approximately $950 p.a. Water is from a licensed bore. One of the more productive farms in the region with a strong fertiliser history.
Please contact Brian Moulton 0418 931 114 or brian.moulton@acton.com.au for further details.