58 Wrigglesworth Drive located within the Cowaramup Industrial Area comprises a level, corner block of land with dual road (drive through) access.

Cowaramup is a growing Rural Service Centre, centrally located between Cape Leeuwin and Cape Naturaliste and within easy access to major wineries, transport routes and the soon to be upgraded Busselton Airport.

This property provides an ideal site for most industrial/light industrial businesses or trades and offers a good size corner lot with a substantial shed/workshop which was built circa 2007.

The property can be purchased individually or in conjunction with the adjoining property (36 Jersey Street). The joint purchase would provide a total land area of 3,361sqm on two titles and substantial improvements.

The improvements on this site comprise:
*Workshop/shed is a steel framed Colorbond clad industrial building. This building is approximately 12m x 12m and has a concrete floor, clear span roof profile with an approximately 4.8m plate height and 5.8m ridge height and two Roll-A-Door’s on the eastern elevation
*Concrete wash down area adjacent to the shed
*Approximately 10 soil storage bays with concrete walls adjacent to the southern and eastern boundaries
*Compacted gravel or blue metal hardstand to the balance of the site
*Drainage from the wash down and storm water is directed to a Bio retention basin which captures and filters run off before it is released into the Shire drainage system

Features include:
*Dual road frontage with drive through access for trucks
*1,367sqm land area
*Regular and rectangular shape
*Zoned Industrial limited to Dry industrial uses
*Water, power and telephone are available
*Shire rates: approximately $2,040pa
*Water Rates: approximately $220pa

Contact Margaret River Real Estate Agent Ray Stocker on 0408 908 665 for more information.