Kirup Kabins being situated 11 kms from Kirup on Mailman Rd is in a scenic quite location that offers so much potential to further suit tourists. The current owners have had the business for many years and they now wish to retire. The property is 40 acres which has an excellent water supply from many dams with the potential to further develop the marron marketing. The homestead is built to totally overlook the property with stunning views over the surrounds. There are also six self contained cottages built to also to take advantage of these magic views. Other buildings on the property are workshop, storage shed, machinery/hay shed and stock yards. The property itself is gently undulating and divided into seven large paddocks and two small paddocks which house the animals. As the property is zoned special use tourism, there is the potential to build another four cabins and a function/restaurant. The property is also serviced by two power sources. The main residence is a quality 300 sq mtrs homestead with four bedrooms and 2 1/2 bathrooms, computer room, separate guest wing with all facilities, large office at front and reception area to service the guests. Patio bbq area off the lock up garage and store area. With the price being $1.595 m there is a lot of potential here to grow the livestyle and business.Further information can be obtained from web site